Wednesday, March 30th
33 Passover pamphlets, 4 gift sets, 1 Tanakh in English were given out.
On a beautiful sunny day, the team was happy to be outside in the fresh air! One conversation with a woman at the mall began by offering her the Isaiah 53 leaflet which she immediately began to read. She was also given a bookmark and encouraged to read about the Messiah and why He will come the second time. A man also took a gift set and was very thankful yet he would not take the Brit Chadashah. He did take the Tanakh and they encouraged him to read the leaflet.
Sunday, April 3rd
47 pamphlets and 5 sets were distributed
One man who was approached took the Brit Chadashah even though he inquired why the “New Testament”? He was told that they believed in Yeshua, as the Messiah and that he could learn this truth by beginning to read from the Isaiah 53 pamphlet he was given. He willingly still received the book and we ask that you pray for him as he is looking for the truth.
A French set was given to a Jewish woman along with the leaflet and a bookmark. They read part of the leaflet together and she was told that the Messiah came the first time before the destruction of the first Temple but will come again. She was then warned that a false Messiah would appear during the completion of the third Temple and that many will believe in this false Messiah.
A man was given a set along with an Isaiah 53 leaflet which he began to read immediately. He asked about the Messiah and why all the blood to which he was told that He became the pure and final blood atonement for all men and was guided to read the passage in Leviticus 17:11 where it states that blood was the atonement for the soul on the alter.
Tuesday, April 5th
3 English sets, 1 English bible and 35 pamphlets were given out
Two ladies went out on Wednesday, April 5th. It was a partly sunny day and the excitement to do the Lord’s work was almost tangible.
One man was approached with the Passover pamphlet, and he responded well to receiving it. A conversation arose where he said that he was brought up in a very religious family and went to a synagogue when he was young. He said he only believed in God in a historical way and not within a religious belief system. As the team member spoke to him about having a personal relationship with God, he opened up about attending a church and how it was a struggle to accept the cross and the blood issue. He said that he spoke to the pastor’s wife and the pastor and tried to communicate his difficulty in understanding this aspect but they were unkind and so he never returned. The team member responded that salvation was for all who believed and told him about the 5,000 people who were fed fish and loaves of bread and that all those who were in unbelief received the food also. She asked if she could pray for him and he decline. Soon after though he received the pamphlet and the team member prayed for him. As a gesture he recited the 23rd Psalm to her and said that he loved the stories about Yeshua.
Two sets were given to two lovely ladies who were told that Yeshua was the only hope and were given a short presentation of the Gospel. They were very thankful to receive the sets but did not want to stay and chat.
Another lady who was Jewish received a set and offered the team a cheery “Thank you”!
As well, an elderly Jewish man was offered a set and he was about to take it but said that he was cleaning out and downsizing. He said that he cherished everything he had learned in Hebrew school and took everything he learned to memory in the event that one day we would not have any books around. He would not take the set for his grandchildren as they were not following their faith and he was heartbroken about it. He was so appreciative that we were sharing the Word and wished us well.
Wednesday, April 6th
15 pamphlets and 5 gift sets were given (2 French, 3 English)
A team of three ladies presented themselves at a local shopping mall. A French set was given to a man who said his wife liked to read and would enjoy the set. He took an Isaiah 53 leaflet and was encouraged to read it himself. A French set was given to a woman who had written a book on violence in women and said that she had adopted a Russian child which led her to writing the book. She took the Isaiah leaflet and asked many questions about why there was so much suffering. The team member answered that He suffers too and gave the example of Habakkuk and how he knew that his country would be invaded but trusted in God. She was encouraged to take refuge in the Messiah and to search for Him in the Tanakh.
Sunday, April 10th
86 English and 7 French Passover pamphlets for a total of 93 pamphlets, and 3 gift sets, 1 Brit Chadashah and 1 English bible were given out
As a Jewish lady received the Passover pamphlet, she spoke of how she attended a Protestant school but was not allowed to say the name of Jesus. She was told that the team believed that Yeshua was the Messiah to which the woman asked when he came. She was told that He came before the destruction of the second Temple to which she said that she did not believe in the resurrection. She asked why so few Jewish people believe and was told that even the prophets felt alone also but like Elijah, God allowed a remnant of His people to be with him and he was then not alone. She was given our contact information and the team gave the woman a hug to which she said she was going to cry.
A woman started a conversation when given the Passover pamphlet was given her, asking what it was all about. She was told that it was now the time of Passover, about how Israel was delivered from Egypt and tyranny. She asked if this Messiah that it talks about will ever come and when. She was shown the bookmark and pointed to Daniel 9:26 where it states He had to be on the earth, yet be cut off (die) before the destruction of the second Temple in 70AD. She knew the story of Yeshua and said she did not believe in the resurrection. She did take the pamphlet and bookmark and we pray that the seed of faith will grow in her heart.
Thank you everyone for covering the teams in prayer because they felt protected and covered by presence of Yeshua while many seeds were being planted.