Henrietta did not want to be the sacrifice for the soup (please see below). That would be a recipe for disaster.
We would all be better off remembering that one. Rather than be a sacrifice, we need to have the ultimate sacrifice, the Messiah, as so clearly stated in Isaiah 53. Let’s remember that even the healthiest soup will never make us holy. Nothing we eat or touch can transmit any measure of holiness to us except for when we ourselves are touched by the Holy One of Israel. Then we will be souped-up indeed, dressed in white as we one day partake in that Messianic meal with all the saints. Will they serve angel food cake? We can only soupose.
The Outreach team from Montreal was unable to go out door to door for the last two Mondays however we are so blessed to read about the continuing work going on in Calgary and Buffalo. We are looking to return to the streets this coming Monday evening, Lord willing.
Here is the report from Calgary, Alberta:
This past week seemed to have the floodgates of grace opened. This was probably one of our best nights if not the best ever! We knocked on 8 doors altogether which had mezuzahs. At three of the homes, no one answered so we left behind a Hebrew/English pamphlet entitled,
It is Written. Of the remaining 5 homes, 2 persons said they had both the OT and NT’s however two pamphlets and one bookmark were accepted. And three complete Hebrew Scriptures sets were accepted as well!
It was a cold night out and for that reason our exchanges were relatively brief but those who listened were glad that we had come out to visit them. One man was on the phone so we could only briefly make our offer without much interaction. Three Jewish persons listened with interest as we shared concerning the prophetic suffering of the Messiah in His first coming. As previously mentioned our interactions were brief but they listened without the usual pushback, especially one woman, an Israeli citizen who expressed great interest in the concept of the suffering Messiah. She was opened to hearing us on the matter. We are looking forward to an eventual follow up with her. We are humbled by the great privilege the Lord has given us, that we may participate in the work for Jewish evangelism in Calgary. Please pray for the souls of those with whom we shared.
We would venture to speculate that the recent Israeli and world political events are having a positive influence on our outreach effectiveness as more Jewish people are starting to have a heightened interest in what is going on worldwide. We believe it is a good moment to invite others in Calgary to join our team and expand the efforts. Please pray for blessings and direction by the Lord in this matter!
Shalom shalom from Calgary,
Here is the report from Buffalo NY.
We decided this week to go to the senior living apartments even though we didn’t hear from the administration in regards to permission. As it turned out it was Bingo night. We knocked on all the doors with mezuzahs. Out of the 48 apartments in this building, only 13 had them. There were 8 no answers but we hope to come back again for those who were absent. Two sets were accepted. The first man was very pleased that we had come, took quite a long look at the set and graciously received it. Another lady was very pleased to receive her set. We had 3 refusals as they said they already had several Tanakhs but one lady said she also had a NT. One 94 yr old very distinguished gentleman invited us in and was very happy to listen as Nigel spoke about Yeshua and the New Covenant as spoken of in Jeremiah. He commented that Nigel was well educated in the Scriptures. He explained that he had several copies of the Tanakh but declined the NT.
When we were leaving and already at the door he called us back and continued sharing about his life. He showed us a photo of his wife who had passed away 2 years ago, after nearly 70 years of marriage. He talked of his local synagogue and his role there. He was surprised when we told him we were Gentiles and what we were doing. He was very happy to hear about it and wished us “good luck” in our endeavors and thanked us for coming. He then shared that his daughter had come to stay as he was having an operation the next morning. We said we’d pray for him and that we hoped all would go well. We had a great rapport with them both sharing a few laughs also in what was a very enjoyable encounter!
After we left we decided to get a card for his operation which we slipped under the door. I found the perfect one with a hen on the front. Inside it said, “Henrietta would prefer you make vegetable soup”. We invited him to read Isaiah 53 and put our card inside the envelope. Even though he declined the NT we felt like we’d walked into each other’s hearts. May he and his daughter be drawn to read Isaiah 53 and there find the Messiah!
Blessings from Buffalo
“….sing praise to the name of the LORD MOST HIGH.” Psalm 7: 17b