This past Monday night, two teams went out. Here is the report of one of the teams:
We started on the 12th floor of a beautiful building in Cote St. Luc. At the first door where we knocked, a tall lady in her sixties smiled as she opened up. After hearing that we had come to bless each Jewish home with the Hebrew Scriptures, she wondered whether we were asking for a donation. The answer was that this was certainly not the case but a free gift, and she accepted the set.
At the next door, a lady answered with an even bigger smile, and after a short conversation, she accepted a set with gratitude. Then there was a middle aged man who answered the door. We explained what the Old and New Covenant contained and the importance of the Messiah throughout. At first he was somewhat reluctant, but then accepted the set.
As usual, not every door was answered and some people were not home.
The next floor down, we knocked on the first door, but there was no answer. So we waited a while, but finally decided to knock on the apartment door just across the hall. Eventually an elderly lady did open the first door, but obviously was not interested at all and refused. As she closed her door, the one opposite was just opening and a tall friendly man around 60 years old answered. He was amazed as we told him why we had come to offer him this beautiful set of the Hebrew Scriptures. The conversation was not long, and he accepted the set, saying: “Be blessed, both of you”, which was beautiful to hear. May the Lord bless him richly for accepting the set, and we know that His word will not return void.
As we were heading for the next door, a gentleman came out from the elevator and approached us. He obviously was the security guard, and told us that he had a complaint from an owner, and that we had to leave the building. So of course we followed his instructions, and together we went down to the ground floor to exit the building.
During our ride down the elevator together as he escorted us out the building, we had a friendly conversation and the opportunity to tell him we had come to bless every Jewish home. He himself was not Jewish, so we asked him whether he believed in the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. He answered that his background was Catholic but that he was ecumenical in his approach to things. Well, as we were talking, we offered him a small Bible which he gladly accepted. We also explained to him the plan of salvation. He was clearly interested to learn more, but had to go back to his security desk. We gave him the address where he could worship and learn more about the One who could provide for his eternal security. This was a great moment, and we felt blessed to be able to give him the Word.
The consequence of having left the building early was that we needed to wait because the other team was still in the building. So we waited on the sidewalk and approached a few people who were walking nearby and handed out a set to an older couple who promised they would read it.
What a beautiful evening! Our team gave out a total of 5 sets. To God be all honor and glory for this special evening.
Part two is written by two dear believers from Caribou Maine, on a visit here to Montreal, who were part of the other team:
When we knew that we were going to be in Montreal on a Monday evening we were very excited to learn that we could go out door-to-door with the Knock and Talk team. Our little fellowship in Maine prays for this group and we were grateful to be able to share the Hebrew Scriptures with those who were willing to accept it. Only once were we refused at the doors this night.
At one door a Persian woman opened up. We shared a little with her and her two daughters. She said she could only read Farsi and it was disappointing not to have a Bible in Farsi on hand. Her name in English means “spring” and one of her daughter’s name means “love”. May the love of Yeshua spring forth abundantly in their hearts. The woman said that she would purchase the Bible in her mother tongue and try to read it. We were able to pray a little with her and she was very appreciative although she believes that there are many ways to God. It was quickly explained that this is not the case.
The most exciting experience we had Monday evening was when we knocked on the door of an older Jewish man named D. He and his friend invited us in to talk and we spent over an hour with them. He read from the Scriptures we gave him, both in French and in Hebrew. We covered many subjects including Isaiah 53 and also talked about the history of redemption beginning with the fall of man in Genesis. We pointed out what the first substitutionary atonement was.
It is wonderful to know God’s Word is reaching the lives of the people in Quebec. Having ministered to people of Canada and more specifically of Quebec many years ago through NAMB, it makes my heart rejoice in the Lord. God bless you in your steadfastness of Faith.