Beth Ariel Congregation

True Dominion

Through Yeshua’s Incarnation, he became a model for humanity. The author of Hebrews applied Psalm 8, a psalm that celebrates humanity, to Yeshua in his Incarnation. The author argues that just as God gave humanity dominion over His creation, how much more will He give dominion to the King of Judah.

This demonstrates a practical component of the incarnation. As Yeshua became human, he provided a model for what true humanity looks like. Mankind was given the right to reign over the earth, but throughout history, this power has often been misused and abused, leading to oppression and subjugation on both a national scale (such as Egypt subjugating Israel as slaves) and individual scale (like when David used his power to kill Uriah and take Bathsheba). This reveals the potential corruption that power can have and how humanity has failed to live up to its calling in Psalm 8.

In contrast, Yeshua fulfilled Psalm 8, so the question is: how did He live? What we see in the Gospel is that He did not view ruling and power as a means of subjugation but as servanthood.

We see a clear example of this in John 13. During the Passover meal, Yeshua knew that Judas Iscariot would betray him, yet he got up from the table, laid aside His garments, and began to wash the disciples’ feet. Despite having power and authority, Yeshua demonstrated that true rulership means serving and caring for others, even those who may hate us. True dominion is found in being the greatest servant.


Link to Sermon:  The Letter to the Hebrew – The Incarnation

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