Beth Ariel Congregation

The Radiance of the Sun of Righteousness


As the sun reaches high and basks our faces with warmth we can hear the smooth and bluesy voice from Ella Fitzgerald singing,

“Summertime, and the livin’ is easy
Fish are jumpin’ and the cotton is high…”

It’s actually a lullaby assuring the little one that all is well and peace abounds. But summer is also a time to work. That Hebrew word

Avodah means both work and worship. So work is a way to worship. And worship brings assurance and peace as we, children of the Great God on high, sing our own lullaby from His Word. Not so much to put us to sleep but to put our angst to rest, hearing Him say, “Be still and know that I am God.” In all seasons of life we seek wisdom, for it will refresh our soul, keep us upright, and when we lie down to sleep, it will be a sweet one (Proverbs 3). As the sun reflects rays of warmth, let’s never forget what the true Son can do for us… “Those who look to Him are radiant; their faces are never covered with shame.” (Psalm 34:5).

Shalom to all! Welcome back to Knock and Talk.

Although it is still the summer, two of our outreach members felt that since the peace of God does not leave us when we are wise enough to grasp it, why not take that peace right now, back into Jewish homes? There was one team of two people whose conviction to go was graciously led by God. He went before them as they gave out a total of 9 Bible sets, plus 1 Tanak (Old Testament only) and 2 English only Bibles.

Here is the report:

One set was given to a young man in his 30’s.  He asked us which organization we were from. We explained that these sets were given by

The Society of Distribution of the Hebrew Scriptures. We shared that our belief in the Word of God was central to our calling, the Author Himself being the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. We explained the importance of so many of the prophecies concerning the Messiah of Israel and how it was vital to seek to recognize Him.  After all, God does not speak in secret.  We pointed out that the Messiah needed to come from the tribe of Judah and be a descendant of David.  We encouraged him to read Isaiah 53 and to pray that God would reveal His truth to him. He said he would read it right away. He was very touched and grateful. He thanked us for the work we were doing.

A second set was given to a woman. She offered us money, showing us a jar where she had been saving up in order to give it to some organization. We insisted that it was a great privilege for us to give her the Scriptures at no cost since we ourselves had been so blessed to receive it for free. She asked us how she could pray for her two daughters who want to have children. We told her to pray to God from her heart. She was very happy and thankful as we left.

A man in his mid-20’s accepted a set. We spoke about end-time prophecies and encouraged him to read Isaiah 53. He said what we are doing is great. We explained that it was an honor and a privilege to share the Word of God.

Next, a caregiver opened the door and said it would not be good to disturb her employer since she wasn’t feeling well right then. We told her it was a gift. She took the set and as we left, we told the caregiver that we wished the woman a speedy recovery.

At another door, we met a woman in her 60’s. She questioned why we were offering the New Testament.  We told her that the New Testament is deeply rooted in the New Covenant spoken of in the Book of Jeremiah.  If she were to read it, she could see the fulfillment of prophecies from the Tanak. While taking the set, she mentioned her two sons. We offered sets for them as well and she gladly took one for her son who she said loves to read. As we left, she added that she was she was very happy to have the Scriptures because she loves the Word!

Moving on to another door, a man in his 40’s accepted the set and thanked us. Then, as we were walking down the hallway, we met a young woman with a small child in her arms. We asked if she read Hebrew. She said yes. When we offered her the set, she was very grateful, telling us that she was just about to call her family in Israel to send her the Scriptures! She spoke a bit about the upcoming Jewish holidays, and as we left we could hear her merrily talking away to her baby.

At another door, a man in his 60’s was not comfortable taking the New Testament. So we encouraged him to read Isaiah 53 from the Tanak, explaining that it was a messianic prophecy.

Another set was given to a young man who was very polite with us. He appeared both grateful and glad. We knocked on that final door with a mezuzah. The young lady living there told us she was not Jewish but had left the mezuzah on anyways. We offered her a Bible. As she took it, she squeezed it tightly against her chest and said, “It is so beautiful!” Thanking us, she asked if we might have another Bible for her sister. We assured her we would do our best to bring her an additional one next week.

Thank you Father, in the name of Yeshua, for this opportunity. We pray that we may continue on next week, girded by the powerful prayers of the saints. In You is the fountain of life, the source of all creation and the foundation of our own rebirth.  Your Son, the Sun of Righteousness who is the life, enlightens us that we may see and not live in darkness anymore.

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