Hebrews 2:9
The Incarnation of Yeshua
The Incarnation that took place 2000 years ago was not a random event in history, or the result of Greco-Roman influence, as some critics claim. Rather, it is the fulfillment of a trajectory that began in the Garden of Eden (Genesis 3). In the Garden, God dwelled with man (Gen 3:8) but when man was expelled from the Garden, Scripture focused on how humanity can recover its fellowship with God. This culminated in the creation of the Tabernacle, where God was able to dwell with His people, and then the Temple, where God made His name known in Jerusalem. Ultimately, God’s presence came to earth through the Incarnation, as John tells us that the “Word became flesh and dwelt among us.” The word “dwelled” is a similar Greek word for the “tabernacle,” signifying that Yeshua represented God on earth.
The Incarnation, then, is evidence that God desires to dwell with us. God is not a distant being who is indifferent towards humanity, but he is one who comes to our level to be in relationship with us. Another important element of the Incarnation is that the Messiah is able to empathize with humanity’s struggles and difficulties. Unlike politicians or world leaders who may seem out of touch with our needs and struggles, the Messiah is our representative and High Priest who is intimately familiar us.
If we ever feel rejected by our community, we must remember that Yeshua was also rejected by those in His hometown, and many of His followers as well. If we have felt rejected by friends for our faith, remember that Yeshua was denied by Peter 3 times during His trial. If we have ever felt tempted to abandon God’s commands, keep in mind that Yeshua was also tempted three times in the wilderness, and He gave us the key to fighting all temptation: knowing the Word. If we have ever felt desperate, or in emotional turmoil, we should remember Yeshua’s experience in the Garden of Gethsemane, when He cried out to the Father for strength. Therefore, through the Incarnation, we not only have a heavenly High Priest, but One who can empathize with our struggles and direct us in our lives.
In summary, the Incarnation is a crucial event in the history of humanity that fulfills God’s desire to dwell with us and provides us with a model for how to live. It also shows us that God is not distant but is willing to come to our level to be in a relationship with us. Whether it is temptation, discouragement, abandonment, or grief, the Messiah knows our struggles and provides us with a model for how to live.