This past week, there were at least 10 JCC’s (Jewish Community Centers) across the US which were a target for bomb threats. Buffalo NY’s JCC was one of those targeted (see below). While the world rears its evil through the likes of scare tactics, hate and violence, we look to another source to calm our apprehensions. The Lord has given us the Balm of Gilead, one that does not threaten our well being, but points to hope and healing, the healing of spiritual wounds from the effects of warfare with the world. Yeshua’s salvation is our utter healing balm. We pray that many will have this balm applied over their own hearts.
Outreach Monday February 20, 2017
This past Monday evening, we had two teams of two plus one sister in the car who kept the motor running! We were five people and five sets in total were given out. Five is the number of grace. We thank You Lord for Your grace! At the first door a woman answered and said she already had all the books, so we offered her a bookmark containing some of the prophecies of the Messiah. She accepted it and thanked us. Our actual first set was given next, to a woman in her 50’s. As we offered her the pair, she saw the New Testament and responded, “This one, I will not read.” We replied, saying that she should read it and find out for herself what it contains. She seemed to appreciate the challenge. She smiled and accepted the whole set from us. Praise God! The second set was given to a man in his 60’s who thanked us… in Hebrew. The third set was given to a woman in her 40’s. At first she declined but when we explained that we were not Jehovah Witnesses she gladly accepted the set. It’s good to see, for once, a positive effect that a cult can have… she refused them but willingly chose to accept the Word from the right Source. The last set was given to a man. While offering it, he asked us, “Where’s the catch?” We assured him that there is no catch, that by knowing the Word of God it would prepare him for the bad times soon approaching. He agreed that things were bad in the world. He took the set and we pray that he would catch on to all the good things that come through reading and believing this most sacred book.
The second team was blessed to give out one set. Here is their report:
At the very first home of the evening, we met a man who told us that we had already been there last week. He had just come back from walking his dog and with all the barking there in his driveway, it was almost impossible to converse. He told us that he did not need anything. We came there twice and pray he will one day see it as a double blessing. At another door we handed out a set to a very friendly gentleman. We explained why we came, mentioning some of the Messianic verses in Scripture. We encouraged him to read the Brit Chadasha and told him what a blessing it could be for his life. He graciously accepted the set.
Many of the homes we passed by on Monday night did not have a Mezuzah, and many in those homes with Mezuzahs were absent. Four people who did open their doors were not interested. We did leave one messianic bookmark in a mailbox.
We are thankful for each and every person who can be reached. All the praises, blessings and glory are Yours, O God!
Report from Calgary, Alberta
The Lord once again blessed our outreach. Out of the six Jewish households we visited, 3 accepted bookmarks and of those 3, we had a chance to witness to 2 people. First there was Len who had immigrated to Canada from South Africa. Len was on the fence concerning Yeshua’s messiahship. He listened attentively to numerous prophetic T’nach verses relating to the suffering Messiah (in particular Is. 53) and appeared to understand that the need for the Lamb of God’s atoning death was for our sins.
We met another man named Moshe, who was still wearing his hospital wristband. He explained that he was afflicted with a serious disease but did not to go into further details. He identified himself as a non religious person and held to the belief that being good was more important than practicing religion. We explained that Abraham was justified before God through faith, citing Genesis 15:6, “Abraham believed the LORD, and He credited it to him as righteousness.” This verse seemed to take him by great surprise. He willingly accepted that we would pray for his medical issue and his salvation … and while praying with him we clearly identified Yeshua’s sacrifice as the means for salvation. He seemed very happy that we had come by for the visit. Len and Moshe both promised to read the prophetic scriptures found on the bookmarks.
The three other households politely declined our offer of the scriptures. One woman, though skeptical about how to receive our “Christianity” still appreciated our expressed love for the nation of Israel. Let us pray for all the families we encounter each week and let’s pray that we may fill the homes with the Word and that the Spirit would fill the hearts of many as we go forth, proclaiming the Lord’s salvation.
Report from Buffalo, New York
This was our second visit to the Weinberg Campus, a seniors’ apartment building. Out of 150 units we found 2 Jewish homes both of which happily conversed with us and gladly received the sets. The one woman promised to read Isaiah 53. We then went to the main building in the campus which is made up of both apartments and condos and which houses a Kosher restaurant and library. These all appear to be Jewish homes but it’s a secured building with a visitor sign-in requirement. We will be approaching the administration for permission to hand out the Hebrew Scriptures. Because of the bomb scare lockdown on Monday at the JCC which is part of this campus, we decided to delay approaching the administration until next week. Please pray for an open door.
Blessings from Buffalo
I pray we too will have a outreach to our Jewish friends here in Peoria Arizona how wonderful!