イスラエルの祝日に関する学び ― 日本語版






Jesus in the Jewish Holidays

by David Goldstein – Congregation Shema Ysrael 

These holidays were given by God to Moses, approximately 3,500 years ago, 1,500 years before the birth of Yeshua, and each holiday is actually related to the Messiah. The first 4 holidays are prophecies of what the Messiah would accomplish during His First Coming, and these holidays have already been fulfilled. The last 3 holidays point to what the Messiah will accomplish when He returns to earth.



このプレゼンテーションでは、ユダヤ人がこの祭日をどのように祝うか、主イエスがどのように祝ったか、そして過越の祭りでイエスがどのように美しく描かれているかを調べます。 過越の祭りの中のメサイアは、旧約聖書と新約聖書と、最後の晩餐とキリスト教の聖餐式のユダヤ人のルーツとのつながりを強調しています。


Messiah in the Passover 

by David Goldstein – Congregation Shema Ysrael

This presentation examines how Jewish people celebrate this holiday, how the Lord Jesus celebrated it, and how He is beautifully pictured in the Passover. Messiah in the Passover emphasizes the connections between the Old and New Testaments and the Jewish roots of the Last Supper and Christian Communion.



ハヌカとは、世界中のユダヤ人によって祝われる祝日です。しかしこの祝日は旧約聖書のどこを読んでも記載されていません。  このビデオでは、この祝日が何故始まったのか、また、現代ではどの様に祝われているのか、そしてこの祝日がもたらす終末の時に関する預言的なメッセージに関して、みなさんと見ていきたいと思います。



by David Goldstein – Congregation Shema Ysrael

The holiday of Hanukkah is celebrated by Jewish people throughout the world, but this holiday is not even mentioned in the Old Testament.  This video will review the origins of this holiday, how it is celebrated in the modern today, and the prophetic message that this holiday brings us regarding the End Times.






by David Goldstein – Congregation Shema Ysrael

Can there be a biblical holiday where God is not mentioned even once?  A biblical holiday where the date of the holiday was determined by chance?  This video will explain the historical and biblical background of the fascinating Purim holiday as well as look at how Purim is being celebrated today.

“Bar Chen” (Son of Grace) of Hikaru from Japan – August 3, 2019

With Messianic Leader Jacques Isaac Gabizon, Beth Ariel Congregation – Montreal