As we are starting the New Year, let us begin with some good news. First about the Bible itself. According to a statistic from Circana Bookscan, they report that Bible sales rose 22% in these past 4 months compared to the same period last year. Great statistic considering that the total U.S. print book sales were only up 1%.
There is an increasing interest in what the Bible has to say. Many are particularly concerned about its take on the future. And we can feel this trend right here at Beth Ariel with the evangelism team distributing Bibles and giving pamphlets and having some very interesting conversations in these last many months. In fact, in just these past few weeks, six people made confessions of faith and we were blessed as well to witness two of those confessions right here in the congregation: one Gentile and one Jew.
Do you know which country has the fastest-growing Bible believing population in the world, with believers standing firm despite relentless government pressure?
Well, here is another piece of good news. It is in Iran.
Where sin abounds, grace much more abounds and let us praise God
for His faithfulness in bringing many people in that country to have
their names written in the Lamb’s Book of Life.
Another country with a strong upsurge of growing faith is Indonesiaeven in the face of increasing restrictions.
We remember that Indonesia has the world’s largest Muslim population at 87% of its population. This amounts to some 231 million people; God is at work there.
Growing Anti Christian Sentiments
We learn that there are less and less Christians going to congregations and churches. From about 50% in the 60-70’ there has been a drop to about 30% this past year. This may be due to the constant and increasing attack on the values of the Bible. This is also to be expected as we move toward the time of the Second Coming. Prophecies warn us that many will fall from the faith and commitment to the place of worship is among these first signs.
Another thing that prophecies warn us about is a rising dislike and persecution against those who believe in the Scriptures. Today, in many cases, we need to be bolder to say we are believers in Jesus. Statistics are also showing that Christians are increasingly persecuted worldwide. They face oppression in more countries than any other faith group, with significant challenges in regions like the Middle East, Africa and Asia.
Countries with the most severe actions taken against believers in Jesus, including torture and death, were found in a strip of land in Africa known as Sahel, which includes places like Mali, Niger and Chad. And surprisingly, there is one country mentioned in this group of nations; it is Nicaragua. According to the International Christian Concern, they say that persecution against Christians has worsened dramatically with increased government hostility.
Click here for the Video: World Religion and Israel in Prophecy