Eternal Hatred versus Eternal Love
Many prophets of the Hebrew Scriptures accuse the various Arab states of perpetually hating Israel and the Jewish people. This hatred began with Ishmael and…
Many prophets of the Hebrew Scriptures accuse the various Arab states of perpetually hating Israel and the Jewish people. This hatred began with Ishmael and…
God had given laws to Israel to respect the growth, production and enjoyment of the fruits from the trees…
For a Bible-believing Christian, the response to this question is crucial because Israel permeates the whole of Scriptures from Genesis through to Revelation.
So now comes Simchat Torah which means Joy of the Torah. It is a time which marks the completion of the synagogue reading of the 5 books of Moses within a one-year span. Each week a particular parashat or portion of the Torah is read. And on the last Saturday when the annual cycle is completed, the final chapter of Deuteronomy is read…
When God gave the Mosaic Law to Israel, He was very generous. Among the many commandments, He also gave the Jews many holidays; along with the weekly Sabbath, there were many feasts to commemorate and celebrate…
To what extent is godly patience practiced? Is our patience contained in a shallow vase that needs only a few drops more to overflowing which then pulls the trigger of condemnation?
WARNINGS AGAINST FALSE TEACHERS: Each book of the Brit Chadasha (New Testament) powerfully cautions the believer.
For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek. (Rom. 1:16)
The story of Samuel is ultimately about the coming of the Messiah.
In the Targum on Ezekiel, that is, in the Aramaic Bible which they used to read in the first century, for the words “put a new spirit within you”, they wrote, “And the Holy Spirit will I put deep inside of you.” I find it so interesting that they use the words Holy Spirit, like John does here. The term Holy Spirit is only mentioned three times in the whole of the Hebrew Scriptures.
After declaring that the coming of the Messiah is likened to a new beginning, like the dawn of a new era, Mark brings us to two crucial passages from the Hebrew Scriptures which also speak of a new beginning in the history of messianic prophecies.
At first sight, the book of Numbers may seem plain, even unattractive, with its many genealogies, the never-ending measurements of the Tabernacle, and the many laws of offerings.
When studying the events surrounding the crucifixion and resurrection of Yeshua
Mel Gibson’s movie, The Passion, depicting the life of the Messiah, sparked irate controversies as to whether it was anti-Semitic in nature
Denial is a powerful weapon. It shifts the burden of proof to the other person.
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First Samuel begins at a time when Israel’s spiritual condition was at one of its lowest points.
The book of Numbers is often the least considered and least quoted of the many books of Scripture. Its title and its opening chapters,
So Jesus, perceiving that they were intending to come and take Him by force to make Him king, withdrew again to the mountain by Himself alone. The people were trying to make Yeshua the King of Israel by force…
Each book of the Bible is a special work of art, exclusively designed by its Author.