Wednesday, March 12th

7 sets were given out on this day.


On this beautiful, sunny day a team of two ladies visited a small local, mainly French speaking shopping mall. The team had not been to that particular mall for about three months because of the action from a Jewish man who began to tape them on his phone. They decided to spend a short time there before moving to a larger area.


The team met a Moroccan man who was sitting in a “double parked” car. He was waiting for the driver to return from shopping. The team offered this man a Tanakh in Hebrew and English and he accepted saying that he would give it to his son. They then offered him the Brit Chadashah but he hesitated. They spoke to him about the Messiah, the prophecies regarding Him and how those prophecies were fulfilled at His first coming. They told him it was important to know the true Messiah from the scriptures. Finally, the man took the Brit and the team said they were blessed to give him the set. This man was humble and kind to them.


They then spoke with a Gentile woman who had a recent operation on her hip. She spoke to them for a few moments and shared some personal information. She informed them that she was a Christian and at this point they gave her the anti-Semitism pamphlet and the Beth Ariel card.


A set was given to a man who told them at first that he was not religious. He took the anti-Semitism tract and a yellow ribbon hostage pin. He exclaimed “Oh, that I want” but in response, they told him that they have something more precious than the pin and presented the Tanakh to him. Although he said he was not religious, they told him it was very important to know the word of God and the Messiah. He was taking things lightly until explained how important it was to know where his soul would go when he dies. They told him there was a choice between everlasting life and everlasting contempt. He took both books and the contact card. He was instructed to go to the Beth Ariel website and listen to their messianic teacher. They also told him that it was important to have a relationship with God and to be reconciled with Him because of sin. He wanted to know the cost of the books but he was told it was free for which he was grateful.


They met a beautiful woman whose 95-year-old husband was in the hospital. They prayed for her and for the healing of her husband. She said that she was a Christian and told them that she had been married for 54 years. She took the anti-Semitism pamphlet and the Beth Ariel card.


They decided to go to another mall at that point as the traffic of people had lessened. It was good timing as they saw a security car parked in the parking lot and although no one was in the car, they felt it was time to change areas.


They drove to another local mall but when they arrived there, they saw three parked security cars and decided to leave immediately and go to another shopping mall.  At this new mall, they first saw a taxi with the words “Jesus” on his front license holder. They regarded this sign as an encouragement from God to continue. The driver stopped and rolled down his window thinking that they wanted a lift as they were looking at him. They told him they were looking at his sign and seeing they had pamphlets, he asked them for one and they gave him the anti-Semitism pamphlet and the Beth Ariel contact card.


They met a beautiful, French woman from Morocco who said she feared the Lord and referred to Him as Hashem. She received the whole set, and they were able to speak to her about Yeshua and Isaiah 53. They told her how sin separated man from God and only the Messiah could make man righteous. They spoke also about the blood atonement required for redemption of the soul and how the sacrifices performed on Yom Kippur were for atonement. They referred her to Leviticus 17:11. She agreed with this and understood what they said.  They read Isaiah 53 to her and told her that Yeshua could remove her iniquity. She had groceries in her hands but hugged the team and said it was great what they were doing and said a blessing over them.


Finally, they met a Jewish woman from Iran who took a set with joy. They spoke about Yeshua and presented the New Testament to her. This woman showed them a teaching she was following on the internet and so they gave her a contact card and they hugged each other. She was very grateful.


Later the team took time to go for a coffee at a fast-food restaurant.  Entering in, they noticed a couple sitting there enjoying a coffee together. While standing in line, they spoke with a man who was also in line with them. They quietly said, “Chag Sameach” and he returned the same greeting. They told the man to wait for him as they had a gift, so he waited. While one team member went to the car to get a gift set, the other member went to speak to the couple. The other member brought two sets into the restaurant.


While waiting, the other member approached the couple and found that they were Ashkenazi and spoke to them about the promises of God, the Tanakh and the chosen people. She gave them a Passover pamphlet and spoke to them about the story of Esther and Mordecai. She said that these people were responsible for the deliverance of Israel.


The other member offered the gift set to the man who was waiting for her. She found out that he was from Morocco, and he accepted the set with gladness and was very thankful. He also took the Beth Ariel contact card.


This member then joined the other team member and together they spoke to the couple concerning Yeshua and how they were Messianic and believed that Yeshua was the Messiah, and that He alone could make one righteous before God. The woman said she did not believe in the Messiah, and they replied that if that was so, then there would be no redemption of sin and no peace as described in the whole of scripture. They discussed God’s redemption plan, sin and the promise of the coming Messiah. Speaking of sin, they spoke about Adam and Eve who hid themselves from God because of their sin. They then led them to the final sacrifice for the forgiveness of sin placed upon Yeshua, the Messiah. The team showed them the Isaiah 53 leaflet that mentioned the redemption and which also spoke about Isaiah saying that although man’s sins would be red as scarlet, they would be white as snow when they received redemption for their sins through the Messiah. The team encouraged them to listen to the teachings on the radio and invited them to attend the congregation. They hugged each other and the team marvelled at the conversation they just had.


The team thanked everyone for praying and praised God for His faithfulness and protection.


Friday, March 14th, 2025

3 Gift sets, 3 Tanakh and 2 Brit Chadashah were given.

On this sunny, mild day a team of two ladies were at a large shopping area and noticed that the people were smiling and taking their time walking to their cars.  The weather had turned nice, and everyone was enjoying the sunshine.  They met a woman who took a Tanakh smiling all the while at the team, but she was already getting into her car and so there was no conversation.


They then met an Italian man who looked as though he had Jewish ancestry. The man began the conversation by speaking of Yeshua after taking a pamphlet from the team.  He was asked how he learned about Yeshua, and he replied that it was more like Yeshua found him. They spoke at length about his faith and how he regularly listened to Pastor Gabizon on Radio Shalom. He said that he had been a believer since his early thirties, and he was now in his fifties. He and his cousin, also a believer, have weekly studies and prayer meetings together and so he was given the Beth Ariel contact card and invited to the congregation which he said he would like to attend. He mentioned at least twice for the team to say hello to the pastor and to let him know that he was listening to his broadcasts. Please pray for “D”.


A lady in her seventies received a Tanakh as she stood at her car but first wanted to know if it was in the original translation. As she was assured that it was, she took the Tanakh. She also asked the team if they were part of the Jews for Jesus. They said they were not but that they were Messianic and believed that Yeshua was the Messiah. She hesitated for a moment in taking the Tanakh but as they said it was not the New Testament she accepted the book happily.


They met a Jewish lady who was in quite a hurry and said she could not stop but then began to talk to them in Yiddish as she put the grocery cart in the stall. She was very talkative and happy as they presented the Tanakh to her, but she refused saying she already had one. She was quickly offered the Brit and said, “I’ll take that one”. She skipped off to her car calling back that she would read it and entering her car she yelled out a Hebrew blessing to them.


They then greeted a Jewish man who was offered the anti-Semitism pamphlet and he immediately said that he was concerned with what had happened to the Jewish people during the war in Armenia. He said he knew that they had travelled to Tel Aviv and wondered how the families were doing. He spoke also of the King of Morocco and how he had saved many Jewish people. They quietly presented him with the Tanakh and accepting it he was offered the Brit Chadashah. They explained the book to him and told him the relationship it had to the Tanakh. They pointed out that the first book of the Brit, called Matthew wrote of the genealogy of the Messiah, Yeshua. He accepted the book gladly and thanked them.


A French gentleman was approached as he was putting his groceries in the trunk of his car. He was dismayed because his spaghetti bag had opened and emptied all over the ground. The team approached and offered to help him. They also said they had a gift for him and offered the entire set in French and as he saw the quality of the gift, he lifted the Tanakh up and taking it in his hands he said that he would take it and thanked them saying that he needed that gift.


As they were saying goodbye to the French gentleman, they saw a man sitting in his car and as he looked at them, he rolled down his window and asked what they were doing.  They gave him an anti-Semitism pamphlet and asked him if he had any Jewish friends who would like to have the scriptures as a gift.  He told them that he did have a Jewish friend so they gave him a French set along with a few Passover pamphlets and he was very happy and thankful.


An English set was given to a very well-dressed lady who was wearing a fur coat. She greeted the team at her car as she put the groceries into the trunk. They told the woman that they were Messianic and believed that Yeshua was the Messiah. She listened as they explained that the Brit Chadashah was written by Jewish men who believed that Yeshua was the promised Messiah.  She did not state whether she agreed or not but when she was offered the yellow ribbon hostage pin, she asked for two as she could give one to her husband. She was given the Beth Ariel contact card and two comfort cards. She then accepted the gift set and put it in her car.


The team then left this area as it had become quiet and they went to another mall close by. A few pamphlets were given out and they had a few conversations at this new mall. The first person they met was a woman sitting on her walker just outside the door to the bank. She greeted the team kindly and accepted the pamphlet and a yellow ribbon pin and then she asked for one for her daughter. She was also given the contact card and encouraged to listen to the online teachings.  Just then her daughter came out of the bank and one of the team members recognized her from a previous meeting where she accepted the gift set. They spoke for a few short minutes and then the daughter and mother left to do further shopping.


They met a Jewish Orthodox man from the Chabad who told the team he was a psychologist. He had on a black hat and a long black jacket. He did not take the pamphlet offered to him but did stay to talk with the team for about twenty minutes. He appeared to be a humble man but was firm in his speech. He wanted to give them his card but not having any, the team member offered the Beth Ariel card to him which he accepted.  They spoke about the light of the Jewish people and they brought up Genesis 1:3 and how God said let there be light and there was light. She spoke about the Messiah being the light who came into the world to show this light and to become the atonement for sins. The man did not believe in sin but spoke of good works that led to redemption. They told him then that the Messiah came and that redemption came through his atoning blood and that only this Messiah could make one righteous. The man did not want to hear of this but accepted the card and before leaving them told a parable about a king who gave different sized gifts to his court and how they responded to the gift was how their riches grew. This man was originally from Israel and came to Canada forty-three years ago. He thanked the ladies for their time and left them.


The team met a few more people, including a young Jewish couple who accepted the pamphlets and so at this point they ended their day and together thanked everyone for praying for them.


Sunday, March 16th

1 Russian Bible and many pamphlets were given on this day.


A team of two ladies again were out at a local mall despite a bit of rain that stopped earlier in the day. They noticed a car that was in front of them as they approached the mall.  There was a sign on the front plate area that read “Jesus, the way, the truth and the life”. They were encouraged seeing this.


The Russian bible was given to a Russian Ukrainian man who was able to speak to them in English. The conversation lasted for about twenty minutes. He understood that God was the creator of the world but when the team said that God created him, he was uncertain and hesitated, so they gave him a verse from the Psalms that said the earth was the Lord’s and all it contained, the world and all that dwells in it.  They told him that God was the creator of all things and that He created him also. They asked him what his thoughts on God were and he replied that he did not believe in religion and that it was a scam. They told him they agreed that it was not about a religion but about having a personal relationship with the God who created him. They told him that the bible spoke the truth and that God was truth, that He did not lie and is holy. They told him that he could count on the word of God and asked him what he thought separated man from God. His reply was that he was not sure. They explained that sin was what separated man from the holiness of God and he understood that man alone could not remove sin. When he saw the Russian bible offered to him, he took it and was very thankful. They gave him the contact card and invited him to visit the congregation and then gave him the Isaiah 53 leaflet to read. He was so surprised that he received everything in Russian and was very thankful.


They gave out many pamphlets then both on anti-Semitism and Passover. They spoke to a man who was married to a Catholic woman but said he did not understand the spiritual side of the persecution of Israel. They told him that it was an everlasting hatred because the word of God and the Messiah came from Israel. He did not really want to listen to them about this but told them that he believed all religions were good and began to speak about love. They told him that in the bible God said that a change of the heart of people could only come through the Messiah. They pointed out that it was very important for him to be reconciled to God because of sin. They told him there were only two choices in life that directed man’s path after death, and that one led to everlasting life and the other to everlasting contempt and that the soul never dies. He took the anti-Semitism pamphlet, comfort card and contact card.


They met a man then who said he abides by the Torah and they told him that it was important for him to be in the entire Tanakh, including the prophets and the writings. He understood that they were Messianic and did not agree with them that Yeshua was the Messiah. When they spoke of the resurrection, he said that he did not believe in that either, nor the trinity. He told them that the Son of God was not in scripture, so they told him to read Psalm 2 to which he said that the Psalm was not part of scripture but was located elsewhere in a book that David wrote. Here the team realized that the man’s thoughts were outside the word and yet they were able to share the word with him and to say that only the Messiah could remove his sin. He took the anti-Semitism pamphlet from them.


They continued to hand out pamphlets and then spoke to a woman and offered her the Tanakh, but she said she already had one. They offered the Brit but she refused that also. While they were speaking to her, the man who gathered the grocery carts noticed the team but he did not say anything to them.


They then saw the same man who had spoken to them previously that day who did not believe in the resurrection. He came to them and had someone on the phone whom he wanted to have the team speak with. This conversation lasted for about twenty minutes. This person believed in the oral law written, which the team knew to be written by man and so the team began the conversation about the Messiah’s genealogy and how the rabbis at the time believed that there were two Messiahs that would come. They explained that this really meant one Messiah who would come twice.  They told the men that Yeshua, the Messiah fulfilled all the prophecies that were written regarding Him in the Tanakh during His first coming. The men did not agree with this and so they told them then that the Messiah was going to return to rule and reign in Jerusalem. As the men spoke it was obvious that they did not agree with any of the points of view spoken by the team. The team however was happy to be able to share the word with them and told them that if they wanted to talk further, they could contact their rabbi. The team asks that people would pray for these men that they would receive the Ruah HaKodesh who would convict their hearts of sin and that they would read Isaiah 53 and Psalm 2. They thanked God that He is mighty to save.


Later on, one of the team members said she had reflected on how they had spoken to another team member before starting their outing and that she had mentioned the verse in John 14:6 that says He was the way, the truth and the life and how they had seen a car with the same verse as they began their time at that mall, stating that God uses every opportunity to encourage those He directs for His purposes. The team reflected on this and thanked God for His protection as they also remembered the employee who listened to their conversation as he was gathering the carts in the parking lot. They were thankful for His protection.