Beth Ariel Congregation

Making Our ‘Amen’ Count

The Bible not only has a last word in it, which is “amen” but it has the last word over all things.

January 23, 2017 Montreal Outreach Report:

As we went door to door we were again three members forming the team with one of our sisters in the car praying and providing us with physical shelter from the cold. It was a particularly windy and cold night. We thank God for all His provisions and care! 

Praise God a total of six sets were given! 

The first set was given to a young man who was in his garage at the time. While offering the set to him, he asked us where we were from and why were doing this. As we answered him he accepted the set and was very thankful and grateful. 

We continued on our way and inadvertently went back to a house where one set had been given last week. As we rang and offered the set the woman said, “Actually I would like to give back something that you gave me last week.” She continued, “I did not realize that you were Jews for Jesus”. She concluded by saying that Jesus is not the Jewish Messiah. We were glad to have the last word. As we took the set back we replied, “Yes, He is the Jewish Messiah!” We are also glad the Holy Scriptures has a last word too, which is “Amen!”

As we went to the next door, a young man was blessed to receive that same set that had just been handed back to us. We encouraged him to read and explained that all the prophecies concerning the Messiah are written in it.

At another door a young woman answered the doorbell. We asked her her age to make sure that she was over 18. Holding her dog in arms, she gladly accepted the set. 

At another door a man in his 60’s replied that he already had the Old Testament and refused the set. As we spoke about the Messiah he said, “In our religion we do not know when He is coming or who he is!” We replied that God does not speak in secret and that the prophecies are in the Old Testament so that we can recognize Him. We spoke about Micah 5:2 and Zechariah 10:12. He kept insisting that we cannot know who the Messiah is, but he did agree to read Isaiah 53. As we left, he thanked us and said, “You are doing a great job”. May that be God’s words to us, saying, “Well done, good and faithful servants!”

At another door a young man in his mid 20’s received the set and replied, “Wow”! He said to us, “You can be assured that someone in the family will read it!” We liked that statement of faith.

Two other sets were given to two men, each in their 50’s. They were both polite and very thankful. Finally the last set of the night was given to a young man who was holding onto his two dogs. He received the set and thanked us. The word kelev in Hebrew means dog. However, kalev (different vowel pronunciation) means from the heart. We pray that this Bible set will reach deep into the hearts of all those who have received the Word.

We are noticing more and more younger families answering and accepting the sets. May all, older and younger generation have a hunger and a desire to know who their Creator and Savior Yeshua is and come to receive the grace and love of God! 

It was a blessed evening and we thank you for all your prayers and thank God for His faithfulness and love!

Praise God! 

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