What is Knock and Talk?
Knock and Talk is a door to door evangelism ministry which began in Montreal some 17 years ago with approximately 2000 Bibles having been distributed to this point. Teams go to Jewish homes every Monday evening offering free Bibles and a chance to hear the Good News of Messiah Yeshua. Today, this ministry has expanded and teams are going out in Calgary and Buffalo N.Y. “For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Messiah, for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes, for the Jew first and also for the Greek.”
As usual, there was a great variety in the responses to our message. Some refused outright, yet one bedridden lady agreed we leave our special gift in her mailbox. May this be a blessing to her.
But praise the Lord there were enough people to accept the set with a thankful heart. A mother and daughter were surprised that promises from the prophets were fulfilled in the Brit Chadashah. Another man listened intently, and then said that this would be good for his grown children.
There was a man who said the Messiah would come when all Jews celebrate the Shabbat (an answer apparently known by Jewish people). He couldn’t say where this was written, though, and didn’t accept the Scriptures, either.
We spoke about the Passover lamb with a French gentleman who took a set.
We also met an Israeli on his moving day who was waiting for a truck to bring his belongings to his new house. He knew about the New Testament because he had been going to church with a friend so we suggested he read it in Hebrew. He accepted a set from us, and later we handed him a bookmark with our address, inviting him to come celebrate Passover at Beth Ariel.
So glory to God for this special evening. May the Holy Spirit water the seeds and bring them to fruition. It’s such a blessing to be part of these special moments. We thank you for upholding us in prayer as we knock and talk to the Jewish people.
The Lord answered our prayers this week. We were able to have significant interaction with one Jewish household and a Hindu neighbour!
Before arriving at a Jewish home, a Hindu couple crossed our path as we were getting out of our car. Valerie and I (Donald) explained the gospel and the uniqueness of Jesus as the only God. Before we left them, Valerie prayed for their understanding of Christ’s sacrifice for their sins and their accepting Him as their only Saviour and Lord in a sincere act of their hearts in belief. They cheerfully accepted an ESV Bible, too.
Just after leaving the Hindu couple we got to our first Jewish home. Although the man refused the Scriptures, his wife came to thank us for our work. Valerie opened the T’nach to Isaiah 53, reading about the suffering Messiah. She was very interested by the topic as if she had never heard of this before. She accepted our offer of the Brit Chadashah as Valerie continued expounding on Jesus (Yeshua) as the Jewish Messiah, showing His genealogy in Mathew and adding about the over 100 prophecies fulfilled at His First Coming. I offered the T’nach to complete our gift. Truly, we had one of our best encounters ever with this wonderful Israeli lady! Praise be to the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, for answering our prayer as we rejoice in Him!
In all we went to 7 Jewish households and one Gentile home. At one Jewish home, we encountered the secretary or assistant to the Chabad Lubavitch Rabbi who threw our Brit Chadashah to the ground and promised to burn it so no one could read it. We blessed him, promising to pray for him as he politely closed the door.
We are encouraged in Calgary to pray and intercede for the Montreal and Buffalo teams and continue praying for more encounters like we had this week. In view of the nice spring weather in Calgary last week, I was able to find 8 new mezuzah homes through scouting the streets of Calgary and intend to continue as the weather is improving!
Shalom Shalom,
Donald for the Calgary team