Beth Ariel Congregation

“Israel won’t be governed by Talmud”

In the News…


Netanyahu will soon become Prime Minister of Israel. His comeback is mainly due the support from the religious parties. However, lately, these same religious factions have been very loud, promising drastic changes in the land, something that brought the Israeli population to complain. So this past week, Netanyahu came out with a startling statement to calm the storm and said,

‘Israel won’t be governed by Talmud’

The Talmud is called in the Gospels, the Tradition of the Elders which we looked at during last week’s Shabbat message. This is an issue which a minority of Jews want to enforce in Israel but let us remember that over 45% of the people of Israel are not religious but atheist or agnostics.

Let us also remember that those who built Israel at its return in 1948 were not religious Jews but Jews from different walks. In fact, many religious Jews were opposed to the formation of the state of Israel. Herzl and Ben-Gurion themselves were atheists or agnostics and these are whom the Lord used to build Israel. This is a fact Netanyahu must know about.

And who else did the Lord used to build the state of Israel? Many, many Gentiles who believed in the Bible, in Bible prophecy, men like Bullinger, Blackstone and others. This fact Netanyahu must also know about for he calls the Christian Gentiles who believe in the Bible, his second army.

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