Surely you must have heard of the slogan “From the River to the Sea, Palestine Will Be Free”. But which river and which sea are they referring to? It is from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea, which comprises this entire small state of Israel; and so what they want is to clear the land of all the Jews. But this goes directly against what God has said in His Word. And the way they say it, sounds so much like the words of God when He promised the land to Abraham.He said in Genesis 15:18 To your descendants I have given this land, from the river of Egypt as far as the great river, the river Euphrates: If they want to include all of future Israel, they will need to extend the borders quite a bit.

The territory that God promised Israel is huge, from Egypt to Iraq yet Israel has never fully owned it and since God’s Word will not come back void, this promise is for the future, when the Messianic Era will be established. And so, an attack on Israel’s sovereignty is an attack on the words and promises of God but He is there protecting Israel.

Furthermore, have you noticed the recent news about the exploding beepers? Let me begin by saying that in no way are we rejoicing in the fall of anyone yet there is something to be mentioned about the latest news of these exploding beepers and walky-talkies.

First, isn’t it something that on the one hand, hatred against the Jewish people and Israel has attained such a high level, and on the other hand, the world and the media are baffled by Israeli ingenuity?

It all started when  Israel targeted and assassinated the leaders of Hezbollah and Hamas, identifying their whereabout through their phone, and so,  Hezbollah switched to old-fashion pagers, which cannot be traced.

Israel somehow knew they would, so they managed to insert in these thousands of new pagers,  some type of explosive. And one week ago, Tuesday, the pagers worn by senior leadership received simultaneous messages.  It beeped for several seconds and then exploded.

The day after Israel did the same thing to Hezbollah’s walky-talkies. How did they do it? It was so sophisticated that many around the globe are still trying to figure it out. A former CIA counterterrorist specialist, Marc Polymeropoulos, said in an interview that this is the most impressive kinetic intelligence I’ve ever seen in my career. The scope was staggering”.

One Egyptian TV host (Bassem Youssef) in his most recent post on X, claims Israel is capable of detonating phones and tablets whenever and wherever they wish. So, he is worried about keeping his phone and tablets on.

In the New York Times, a newspaper which is usually very critical of Israel, called this operation a very elaborate  modern day Trojan horse that was introduced into the enemy’s territory.

We are amazed at this feat but we are not surprised by it. Moses already spoke about these things when, in his prophecies concerning Israel in the Diaspora, said that they will be an astonishment, a proverb and a byword among all nations where the Lord will drive them (Deut. 28:37). An astonishment and a proverb, a riddle and an enigma and this is how Israel is seen today, and the reason is because God is protecting His people.

According to prophesies, these nations, Hamas, Hezbollah, Iran and others will come together to attack Israel as we read in Psalm 83. We also see unity of the enemies in the War of Gog and Magog and in the account of Armageddon which will center there in northern Israel, but not just yet. A few things need to happen before this, such as a false peace treaty of 7 years and the rebuilding of the Temple. And so, the Lord is now restraining them by giving Israel all means necessary to do that. And through these things, He is still holding  an olive branch to many individuals of all nations and peoples  to come and receive His peace before the Tribulation that is coming over this world.

Furthermore, in the recent days events,  we can recognize  an historical pattern found  in the very book of the Bible we are looking in today, Exodus.

We remember when God saved the Israelites from Egypt, and years later we hear a testimony from Rahab who was one among many who had heard about this great God and His victories for Israel. She said, “I know that the Lord has given you the land, and that the terror of you has fallen on us, and that all the inhabitants of the land have melted away before you. Joshua 2:9 Here is a Canaanite who recognized the God of the Bible and came to a saving knowledge of Him.

War is terrible and so it is our prayer that today, as the world and even as Israel’s enemies are still trying to figure out what happened, that they will be directed to the might and sovereignty of the God of the Bible who wants the best for everyone.