Beth Ariel Congregation

If it is from God

In the 1st century, when this new movement of faithful people was taking shape, it impacted the city of Jerusalem so powerfully that the religious leaders became increasingly disturbed. But let me bring you to what one of these leaders said. This statement came from a man who wrote so much in the Talmud and who, unwittingly gave a powerful prophecy recorded in Acts 5. His name is Rabbi Gamaliel, under whom Paul was educated in his religious training. (Acts. 22:3).

This is what Gamaliel said to the whole Sanhedrin just as the Ekklesia began its growth, “for if this plan or this work is of men, it will come to nothing; but if it is of God, you cannot overthrow it — lest you even be found to fight against God.” (Acts 5:38-39)

According to the words of this teacher, who was from the sect of the Pharisees and so well-known even in today’s rabbinical Judaism, if this new messianic movement of believers in Yeshua, born 2000 years ago, survives, it is from God. We see today that after so long and through so many persecutions, this same movement not only survived but, while a minority as it always was, it is striving and still proclaiming faith in Yeshua and will continue to do so until the Second Coming of the Messiah.

And this assembly of believers is so important to God that Yeshua calls it His Bride, and even more so, His Body. These two images used, the Bride and Body, shows us that same strong bond that we also see between God and Israel, His wife. This new knot between Bride and Body are found right here in the formation of the new congregation. We should feel so privileged to be a part of this vital and eternal bond.

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