A total of eight sets were given with other free literature as well.
The first team’s report:
The first door was opened by an elderly woman. She was very friendly, talked about her old age but with that came the blessing that she was a great grandmother. We had a very pleasant conversation with her. We spoke about the prophets from the Tanakh, about Daniel, Isaiah, Micah, and Jeremiah and how many of the prophecies were messianic in nature. We also introduced her to the Brit Chadasha and quoted from Matthew 1:1. We gave her an Isaiah 53 pamphlet and a messianic bookmark. She told us that she would read it, and gladly accepted all that we offered.
A gentleman with his little daughter standing close by, smiled and listened very carefully to all that we had to say. We asked him to specifically read Isaiah 53 and we told him about the New Testament pointing out that it came 400 years after the last book of the Tanakh was penned. He graciously accepted the set.
Before reaching the next door, we heard music coming from that apartment. The door opened and we met a father with his two sons. When we presented the Tanakh and the reason for our visit, the father told us very proudly that his son would be celebrating his Bar Mitzvah next month. We congratulated the boy and then began talking about the Brit Chadasha. We looked up Matthew 1:1 together and asked the boy to read it: Yeshua, the son of David , the son of Abraham…..
Then we asked him to play a song for us on his saxophone, for it was his music we heard before knocking. He played beautifully and we wished him mazal tov once again. They gratefully accepted the set.
Psalm 98:4-6
Shout for joy to the LORD, all the earth, burst into jubilant song with music; make music to the LORD…. with trumpets and the blast of the ram’s horn— shout for joy before the LORD, the King.
At the next door we were greeted by a gentleman who, after we introduced ourselves, asked his wife to join in the conversation. They have two boys. The family is Russian but had lived in Israel before coming to Montreal. As we spoke about Yeshua and many prophecies pertaining to His messiahship, we noticed something special about their responses so we asked whether they believed in Yeshua. They said, “Yes”! We were very excited to hear this, but they told us that they did not have a congregation. We told them about Beth Ariel, the Jewish perspective that the service takes, both in worship and in the content of the message, adding that we have simultaneous Russian translation for the message. We hope to see them there one day soon.
Report from Team Two:
A young pregnant lady took a set with a big smile and was very happy to receive it.
A man took a set but asked if he owed us something for the books. We assured him that it was a free gift, to be read and received in his heart. He was grateful and thanked us. Not too long after, his wife came to return the books, saying they did not need them.
At two other doors, the response was, “No, thank you” for the bibles but they each did accept to receive the Isaiah 53 leaflet concerning the suffering Messiah.
Another young woman accepted a set with joy.
At another door, while speaking with a young woman, her husband was just coming home from work. They asked why we were doing this. We told them that we have a love for the Jewish people and want to bless them with the Scriptures, but more important than that, God loves them. The husband agreed to the set and smiled. We also left them the pamphlet on Isaiah 53 and blessed them.
Another woman accepted a set, saying she was already a believer in Yeshua and was reading the Bible. She was very happy to receive an English/ Hebrew edition of the Scriptures. She has been fighting cancer these last 14 years and said that some believers had been coming to her home to pray with her. She was convinced that these times of prayer kept her strong through all her difficult moments through this sickness. We gave her a pamphlet on Isaiah 53 and told her she could call us or join us at Beth Ariel congregation. May the Lord bless them and cover them in His mercy and grace.
From both teams:
This evening was a great blessing. To God be all the glory, honor and praise! Thank You Father for another blessed evening in your Presence.