Beth Ariel Congregation

Blessings Through an Opened Window

Look through window from abandoned stone house in the mountain

Daniel the prophet prayed and gave thanks to God in front of his open windows three times a day, kneeling toward Jerusalem, his voice heard by those outside. (Dan. 6:10). We lift our voices in prayer before we knock on doors each week, petitioning the God of Israel to give a window of opportunity for the gospel to be heard. Some are shut by those inside and yet others are thrown open. May His Word make clear the way for their salvation.

Shalom from Montreal:

Tonight was a perfect night to be outside. The snow which came down today was beautiful, white, and pure. The temperature was great, not really cold. In spite of some slippery places, it was wonderful. This evening we had a team of three, with one faithful member praying and following us at a distance.

As always, we prayed at the beginning for open hearts since the Lord knows so well who will answer and who will not. He is the One who has prepared the hearts of these precious people. Every door opened is a new surprise to us as a team. We found the people to be very friendly, and after hearing that we had come to bless each Jewish home with a gift, most people were happy to receive the Tanakh and Brit Chadasha.  

We had at least four men, including a young man, who were all so kind and happy to receive the Word of God. There was one lady who listened, and was ready to accept the English version, when we noticed that she was French. When we offered a French version, she was very pleasantly surprised and took the French set.

At one door, a lady answered via an open window, and then disappeared. Her husband came instead to speak to us out of the same window. He made it clear to us that he wanted no religious material, and that each person has their own opinion. He said that he was an agnostic and wanted no part of this. We all felt sorry for this man, as we felt his frustration and anger from deep inside. So later we lifted him up in prayer to the Lord to deal with him as He knows every heart.

A few people were not home and we had three refusals, either from behind the door or after opening the door and just hearing what we had to offer. One person asked whether we needed a donation, but the answer of course was that this was really a gift to bless each Jewish home. 

This time there were no great discussions, but we did explain that we were doing this for 2 principle reasons; first because of gratefulness towards the Jewish people through whom we ourselves have received the precious Word of God. Second,  that the Brit Chadasha contained fulfillment of prophecies from the Tanakh, along with special verses about the Messiah.

A blessed evening, we gave a total of 8 sets, 7 English and one French. All the glory, honor and praise be to God and our Redeemer Yeshua who made all this possible.

Tina, Danielle and Catherine


And from Buffalo, New York:

Shalom friends,

We had a wonderful time last week on our “Knock and Talk”.  We decided to go ahead with giving the Russian Bibles out.  Each couple and person was so grateful for the set of the Scriptures in their own language.  One person who was younger than the rest, probably around 48 years old remarked, “You didn’t forget me!” Praise God for leading us to this place!  He promised to read Isaiah 53.  We are planning to revisit these Russians Jews with a little gift, perhaps for Hanukah. We’ll see if our Russian friend can come with us. His Word does not return void but accomplishes the purpose to which He sent it!  Without Him we can do nothing.  With Him, all things are possible!  Thank you once again for your prayers.

Grace and peace,

Nigel & Ellie 

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