Shalom everyone!
Rendez-vous is a French word meaning a predetermined place and time for a meeting. God plans these divine appointments (rendez-vous) with us all the time. But when we recognize those “holy ground” moments, we need to do more than just take off our shoes like Moses did. We need to put off the old self and put on the new self, created after God in true righteousness and holiness. Sometimes when we make too many appointments in a day and have a hurried schedule, we don’t spend enough time together with the Lord, so that He may show us the perfect itinerary for our lives. Yeshua did not meet with the Samaritan woman by chance nor unknowingly discover Nathaniel under the tree. For we are His workmanship, created in Messiah Yeshua for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them (Ephesians 2:10).Let’s let the Lord be our first rendez-vous each day and let’s let Him direct every appointment we have after that.
It is always good to be part of the outreach with the idea that it also represents a “special rendez-vous” with God. Whatever we do to serve Him, it is always a special appointment and an occasion to experience His nearness so we may share His love with an eternal perspective. It was particularly exciting for me (Hugues) tonight, since for a very long time I have not been able to do the outreach. First, I got married to Nancy, my lovely and cherished wife, which was a great blessing. However, there was also a sad side to my being absent because I had two major cold viruses lasting several weeks. Thank God, I am getting better now. It really makes me more thankful for my health, which is one of the most precious gifts we can have.
Our sister Tina, who wrote the past few reports, has gone oversees for the next several weeks, but will stay with us in prayer, for sure! Therefore, we had a team of three tonight, and spent a very blessed evening. Danielle, plus our young, dynamic and joyful sister Sarah, and I made up the team. Sarah really enjoys her new ministry of coming with us to pray.
Before we started, we had to visit a woman from last week to give her a set of the Scriptures. We went to her door twice but she was not there, so we’ll keep her in prayer. At the very first door, it was not only the door that opened, it was like we received a gift, a wonderful surprise. A young religious woman in her early 30’s shook Danielle’s hand and thanked us for offering her the Scriptures. She said, “May the Lord bless you and open all doors to you.” The decorations in her home showed that she is from a very religious family. I spoke briefly about the 2 comings of the Messiah of Israel and some prophecies. Danielle also shared with her. She wanted to hear more, but the little child she was holding needed milk so she had to go. Her joyful acceptance of a complete set of Scriptures and her very kind words was a tremendous encouragement that helped us shine the rest of the night.
Later on, a woman in her 50’s told us they had Siddurs (Jewish prayer books). But we told her that the Bible set we offer was not a book of prayers but the Word of God, the Word of Life. She gladly took a set.
At the next door, we explained to an older lady that the New Testament talks about the fulfillment of many of the Old Testament prophecies and she took it. Right after, a Russian Israeli Jew took a set. As we showed him the New Testament, we told him it was the fulfillment of Micah 5:2, Isaiah 53, and so on… Another man in his 40’s seemed to be very touched when Danielle told him that it was the true Word of God and the Word of life. Following that, an old woman said that she was happy to have us visit because she just got out of the hospital. She also took a set.
We gave out a total of 7 sets which is a really good number! Actually, we had less refusals than acceptances and that makes it even more exceptional! We had about 3 or 4 refusals at most. That includes a religious man who said he had plenty of Old Testaments. When I showed him the New Testament and asked him if he wanted it, he answered “Absolutely not!” As Sarah said at the end of the night, it is amazing that when we knocked at their doors, people were not suspicious at all. The majority of them were even very happy. So we can see how God had really prepared these rendez-vous.
Once again, we are extremely grateful to God for this wonderful night and pray for the salvation of all these people, including of course, those who refused the Word. Thank you again to all of you who are the faithful soldiers of God who make this ministry possible by your fervent prayers. May the Lord keep you in that wonderful and powerful task that makes all the difference, and bless you all forever!