Beth Ariel Congregation

A New Era

Let us open our Bibles to the second chapter of Exodus.

This is an important text for it is the beginning of the creation of the state of Israel, pointing to that nation from where Yeshua came, bringing the world salvation.

Although this serious and weighty story begins with what seems like a children’s tale, almost like a “once upon a time” fable, there is a great strategy and purpose behind the lines. Paul said it so well when he wrote in 1Corinthians 1:21, For since, in the wisdom of God, the world through wisdom did not know God, it pleased God through the foolishness of the message preached to save those who believe.

Foolishness means the ridiculous, the laughable, and it seems that the Lord will even help those fools see exactly what they have purposed in their heart. Psalm 81:12 speaks to each one who turns to their own way. So, I gave them over to their stubborn hearts, to follow their own counsels. These types of stories appear as foolish fables to those who seek to mock the Scriptures, especially when these are given at such important moments in Bible history. If one comes to the bible as a critic, as a fault-finder, as a philosopher or as a mere spectator, we can be sure that the Lord will not reveal Himself to such a hardened heart. There is a limit, a dead end, to where reason alone leads us. We need revelation through the Spirit to consider and adopt the truths of Scripture. The natural man does not accept the things that come from the Spirit of God. For they are foolishness to him, and he cannot understand them, because they are spiritually discerned. 1Cor. 2:14.

For those who are seeking truth, when he or she comes to God, they must come as a child. As Yeshua said in Matthew 18:3, Truly I say to you, unless you are converted and become like children, you will not enter the kingdom of heaven. And so, this incredible story challenges us to move past the rational and come, as a child, with faith and trust, to the throne of His grace. And this will be especially necessary upon entering chapter three when God will reveal the mighty side of His nature and then share His proper name.

During all the details given concerning Moses’ early life, we notice that God’s name is not mentioned. In fact, the first time we read it is at the very end of chapter 2 (verse 24), after some 80 years have already gone by since Moses’ birth.

But, as it is in the Book of Esther, where there is no mention at all of God’s name, He is definitely there, He is the one who orchestrated every scene. He is the One who protected the child on the Nile. He is the One who brought out Pharaoh’s daughter at precision timing, and led her maids right to where Moses was. There is no chance or coincidences in this account. God’s will superintends.

Let us begin with the first verse of chapter 2. Now a man from the house of Levi went and married a daughter of Levi. From these first words, we see a preparation for the birth of the nation and the mission that she would be called to. The book begins with two individuals, both  husband and wife from the tribe of Levi and this same book concludes with the important task the Levites play in the construction, maintenance and outworking of Tabernacle service, so that God would find a place where He may dwell among His people, so that He might train this nation to become the nation of priests to the world.

Although the names of Moses’ parents aren’t given until chapter 6, it is there we read the significance of their names; the name of Moses’ father, Amram in Hebrew means raise the people and his mother’s name, Yocheved means whose glory is Jehovah. (Exodus 6:20)

If we plug the meaning of their names into the first verse of Exodus, we get a great synopsis of this nation’s purpose:  A people, a nation who will be born and raised and who will proclaim the glory of Jehovah.

But clearly, aren’t Amram and Yocheved our parents as well, in that we see what the purpose for our election and our task is, our mission as believers in Yeshua? We have been delivered and have also been called to proclaim the glory of God so that the world would hear God’s heart for each one. We will see that the story we are about to investigate resembles much of our own lives.

Let us move and read vs.2-3

The woman conceived and bore a son; and when she saw that he was beautiful, she hid him for three months. But when she could hide him no longer, she got him a basket and covered it over with tar and pitch. Then she put the child into it and set it among the reeds by the bank of the Nile. Here, we see the elements which point us to a new creation, a new era that is now opening up to the world with the birth of Israel.

Notice the word, basket in vs3. This particular word (tebet תֵּ֣בַת) occurs only in two major events in the Bible; with Noah’s Ark and here with Moses’ Ark. This word is used for only these two events as if to attract our attention to a new thing that is happening. Both Moses and Noah were chosen to open up a new era in Bible history.

From Noah came the 70 nations found in Gen.10. From the Levites came that one tribe out of the 70 people who left Canaan, and this tribe was to be the priestly one through whom God was to communicate His Law. And as Noah brought his family through the flood, so Moses the Levite, brought his entire nation out from bondage through the opening of the Sea of Reeds.



Click here for Exodus, Sermon 2: And she named him Moses

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