Magen David on Hebrew Scriptures

Thursday, May 16th

5 sets, 1 Tanakh, and 1 bible were given.

A team of two ladies decided to go to a shopping area that had not been visited for awhile due to some past negative comments and hostility they encountered there.  This day however, proved otherwise.  The team was blessed by many conversations.

A young man who had just moved from Toronto was approached.  He stated that he had his PhD. in research and had plans to work at McGill. He said that he was of the Catholic faith but did not have a bible. He was so happy to accept the one offered.  The team had an opportunity to speak to him about anti-Semitism, and about Jesus, the Messiah. They explained how he could have a relationship with the Father through Jesus. The young man was very receptive, and the team felt very blessed to meet and speak with him. He was given the contact card and invited to their Shabbat service.

A set was given to a Moroccan woman who was happy to receive it. She shared that her family was in Israel but she and her husband were living in Montreal and were lonely. She was comforted by the team’s words and by the gift set. She then confided to the team that she had a health problem and so they comforted her with news that the Messiah was going to return and that if she turned to Him, He could forgive her sins. They prayed for her using the name of Yeshua to which she said, “Amen”.  Later on, separately, they met her husband. He was a gentle man who feared God and told them that he had a Tanakh but would accept the Brit Chadashah and the anti-Semitism pamphlet. They asked if they could pray for him, and he immediately bowed his head and touched the shoulder of a team member. Afterwards they saw the two together and realized that they were a couple! They returned the Brit Chadashah as they now had the full set, and were given the contact card so they could go to the website and hear more teaching. The team was very touched by this conversation.

The next woman to receive a set was French speaking from Casablanca. They spoke with her about the scriptures and the situation in Israel. She spoke to them about the persecution of the Jewish people and the team referred to the eternal hatred against Israel that was spoken of in the scriptures. They mentioned the Abrahamic covenant given to Israel, and about a coming time when there will be a new covenant. They spoke to her of the two comings of the one Messiah and said he was coming soon to which she said, “Amen”. They spoke about the redemption of sins through the Messiah and gave her a contact card so she could look up the teachings on the website. She was offered a visit by the team, and they asked if they could pray for her which was a great comfort to her as there was much suffering.  The woman was very touched.

One Tanakh was given to a woman who kept on her guard as she spoke to the team. They gave her an anti-Semitism pamphlet and bookmark and told her that they had come to her to give her the pamphlet and that they were from Beth Ariel.  She admitted that with everything going on, people had to be careful. The team said they understood how she felt. She was hesitant to take the Tanakh but was satisfied with their answers and finally kept it. They gave her the Isaiah 53 pamphlet and bookmark and spoke to her about the prophesy of Yeshua. She was very thankful.

A set was given to a young woman who was not Jewish but said that she was soon to be married to a Jewish man and was preparing to be converted to his faith. They gave her the set and explained the New Testament to her; how it spoke of Yeshua (Jesus) the Messiah. She said she was surprised to hear that and listened as they spoke of the coming Messiah as written in the Tanakh and the Brit. They encouraged her to read Isaiah 53 pointing out that it was written about 700 years before the Messiah and how Psalm 22, written 300 years earlier than Isaiah, spoke about the tav (cross) and His suffering. She was very grateful for the gift and conversation and the team offered a blessing for her upcoming marriage.

The team saw a man walking to his car as he spoke to a friend, and they purposed to go to him. However, a religious man met up with him first and so the team waited until he was alone. They approached him then and offered him the anti-Semitism pamphlet. He was thankful to receive this pamphlet and so he took the Brit also. He told the team that they were angels which pleased them. They then spoke to him about Yeshua as the Messiah and how only He could remove sin. The team learned that he was from Morocco, and unexpectedly, he asked one of the team members her last name. To everyone’s surprise, they found out that the man was best friends with the father of one of the team members! This man then showed her some pictures he had taken which he had sent to her father. These were the very same pictures she had seen while with her dad two weeks previous. The team member told the man that God was calling him to come to Yeshua and was amazed at how God had led him there through the Ruah HaKodesh. She was grateful that she could lead him to the scriptures and speak to him about Yeshua. They stated later that they were very blessed by the encounter and leading of the Holy Spirit.

Lastly, a set was given in English to a man who one of the team members had met twice before. She was able to have a deeper conversation with him this time and gave him pamphlets. Though he refused this literature on an earlier encounter, on this day, he received the set and asked for prayer that he would open his heart to the true God of Israel. The team member was so thankful that he was receptive and open during this conversation.

The team had a wonderful day with many conversations and prayers offered. They thank all who prayed and most of all they were thankful for the leading of the Holy Spirit.