Beth Ariel Congregation

25/30 is a High Statistic

Have you read the news lately?

I just hope and pray that the rest of the year will not be as it began. There is much anger around and one that is especially increasing against Israel.

For instance, just as the new government of Israel has been formed, we see how one Israeli minister, Itamar Ben-Gvir, the Israeli National Security Minister, is ruffling many feathers. In the past, Ben Gvir has strongly advocated for freedom of prayer on the Temple Mount, for both Jews and Christian.  This past week this minister took a 13-minute stroll on the Temple Mount triggering, not only the anger of many Muslim countries, but also a world-wide reaction. So much so that the United Nations Security Council convened with an emergency meeting and later condemned Israel for allowing Ben-Gvir’s proposal of potentially allowing Jews, and especially Jews, to pray on the Temple Mount.

Why such a national uproar and such relentless obsession against allowing the Jews to pray on the Temple Mount? Meetings of the UN Security Council are quite rare. They are only convened when peace is threatened. So, why then are the nations of the world so interested in the Temple Mount and Jerusalem?

Let me tell you that Zechariah was right when he reported the words of the Lord in Zechariah 14:2 For I will gather all the nations against Jerusalem to battle.

These words will be echoed just before the final wars and just before Yeshua comes back to establish His kingdom. Today, we see that the nations have already began to gather against Jerusalem and for battle. And this United Nations Security Council was created in 1945 just before Israel became a country in 1948. This historical event really triggered the end times.

And since then, did you know that these Security Council meetings are quite rare in occurrence? Since the beginning, they met just a little over 30 times. But listen to this; of these 30 times, at least 25 of them were convened to condemn Israel, one way or another. They have a fixation, and obsession on Israel that is abnormal, even supernatural. The prophets of the Bible speaking of a worldwide antisemitism before the coming of the Messiah; were all right on. Israel has always been a barometer in analyzing the health status of the world. So, it should not surprise us of all the talk and threats concerning an upcoming nuclear war.

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