Beth Ariel Congregation

It’s All About His Call

His Word is the truth and so we thank Him that we answered His call. Because of that, we do not need to guess whether our life is lost… it is found in His hands. He can call us out from anywhere.


December 19, 2016 outreach Montreal, Quebec


Again, it was a blessed evening as we went door to door for the last time this year. It was a cold night but we have been blessed these past weeks to have a sister from the congregation following us in her car, being there to provide the warm shelter of a heated vehicle on these frigid evenings.  We thank God for His provision, care, and protection (we had freezing rain just the day before). But thanks be to God that everything went well.  Praise God that four sets were given; we also had eight refusals.

When we offered a set to one man, he asked us what he should do with them. We simply replied, “Read it!”  As we walked to another home we could see through the window that the homeowners had many guests. Despite the company, a man in his 40’s opened the door, took the set and thanked us for it. We then crossed the street to where a man was blowing the snow off his driveway.  We approached him and said we had a gift to warm his heart. He replied proudly that his wife had just bought him a new coat and that he was wearing it to keep himself warm. When we offered him the Bible he received the set with thankfulness. Though he was happy about the coat his wife bought him which protected him from the cold, let’s not forget the protective coating Adam received from the Lord with his first sin. We are ever thankful for the permanent atonement the Lord has provided which has kept us alive and in fellowship with Him.

The last set was given to a young woman who thanked us as we wished her a Happy Hanukah. She wished us the same in return.          
When we ended our route for the evening, I reached into my pocket but could not find my cell phone. We looked everywhere in the car, but without success. Then we tried recalling at what point the phone might have fallen out of my hands. We worked hard in those few moments, carefully retracing every step to determine into which snow bank that phone might have fallen. Recounting the steps of our past can be a healthy process, calling attention to the errors of our ways, exposing where we might have gone wrong and confessing that so that we may receive the gift of forgiveness. We returned to the spot we concluded was where that phone might have fallen. One sister got out of the car, walked over to the snow bank and immediately stooped down to retrieve the phone. What a delight and a relief.  We were rejoicing and very thankful that God led us to the exact place where it was. But the most amazing and extraordinary miracle is when God saved each one of us! His Word is the truth and so we thank Him that we answered His call. Because of that, we do not need to guess where our life lies… it is in His hands. 

Let us continue to pray for the salvation of those who have received His precious Word and even for those who refused. He is mighty to save and with Him all things are possible.


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